Life Spark International is a non-profit organization that brings problem solvers together to create new solutions and systems that support existing non-profits in India and Nepal. Our expeditions are designed to immerse individuals in the local culture and see first-hand the challenges faced by communities and non-profits. We carefully select and partner with grassroots organizations working to educate communities and prevent human trafficking and domestic violence.
Our team-building workshops help individuals find new ways to solve these complex issues. By combining your unique skills, experience, and perspective, we can build a force for good that generates innovative ideas for the future. Join us in addressing the unique challenges of India and Nepal and make a meaningful impact on the communities we serve.

Illiteracy and Poverty
Women Empowerment
Human Trafficking
Between 2008 and 2020, the number of human trafficking victims identified worldwide has more than tripled from 30,961 to 109,216.
30% of the global human trafficking victims are children.
Women make up 49% of all victims of global trafficking.
About 258 million children and youth were out of school in the 2017-2018 school year.
India is home to the biggest population of unskilled adults in the world at 287 million.
Nearly 59% of Class V students and 89% of Class III students are unable to read a Class II textbook.
We lead global expeditions to empower trafficked survivors, address literacy poverty, and provide needed resources to our partner nonprofits. While we do not work on the front line of stopping human trafficking, we have the opportunity to work directly with non-profits that work behind the scenes to help save victims.
As a volunteer, you will be an essential part of making this change happen. As you immerse yourself in the new culture, you will have the opportunity to use your skill set and create sustainable solutions that bring a spark to the lives of many survivors and to first generation learners.